Right then. Forgive me if this gets a bit ranty. I've been annoyed today. I started a post a little while back with someone having blocked me on twitter, an antivaxxer. To be honest, this whole business is rather new to me. I've been blocked by the odd Nazi before, and I take no little pride in having been blocked by a major anti-EU campaign (leave.eu, who are currently, the poor dears, being shown to be massively corrupt cynical far right cheats). Anyway, today I was blocked by somebody who wasn't a) an antivaxxer, b) a Nazi, or c) a cackling white-cat-stroking Bond villain. Someone who posted this: (I haven't redacted @PEAT_NI, in case anyone's wondering, because it's a campaign group and not an individual.) Why was I blocked by this apparently kind, helpful person? For reasons which, I'm now finding out, are depressingly common amongst the autistic community. I used my voice. I specifically said that autistic adults should be listened to when we ...
Autistic adult, abuse survivor, tea enthusiast, attempting occasionally to describe what living in the world is like. There seems to be a lack of voice for people like me, with autism overwhelmingly treated as a childhood 'disease', so I'd like to make a small effort to correct that.